【三品书院】111-1 学期三品书院「书苑日」系列活动

  • 2022-09-11
  • 亚美学院管理员
A Series of Activities on Residential Day during Fall 2022 in Asia University


1. 活动报名:预计 2022/9/12 上午8点起,陆续开放各场次线上报名,详如报名页面显示
2. 活动取消:最晚活动前1日23:50前,需完成取消
3. 活动备取:备取至活动当天中午12:00
4. 现场报名:如现场尚有名额,可现场排队递补,递补时间为18:30-18:40
5. 三品书院官网https://character.asia.edu.tw/

★ 本活动开放备取,若有备取上,系统会自动寄信到学校信箱(相关问题请查询 Q&A),或请自行至报名系统查询,

参与对象:亚洲大学在学学生  Eligibility Requirements: All Students in Asia University
活动时间:18:3020:30 (18: 15-18:30开放入场,敬请早到,逾时视同缺席。同时段限报一场。) Time: 18:30 to 20:30 (check-in time: 18:15-18:30 )
  1. Image result for 惊叹号  因应新型冠状病毒,防疫期间,入场前必须 (1) 需填写当日「个人健康声明凭证」【红牌/额温37.5度(含)以上/未戴口罩不得入场】(2)量体温  (3)全程戴口罩。
  2. 本活动开放备取,若有备取上,系统会自动寄信到学校信箱, 或请自行至报名系统查询,不另行通知。
  3. 本系列活动列为书苑日微学分课程,凡报名参与学生皆视为修课学生,详细修课规定请上「三品书院」官网查询。
  4. 本系列活动通识奖章;本活动学生证验证入场
  5. 所有活动一律线上报名,报名后,活动前一日前可取消报名,未事前线上取消报名,且18:30未报到者,视同放弃该场次参与权利,并将「禁止线上报名(本活动不受理EMAIL/电话/人工取消报名)。报名网址:「三品书院」网站【http://character.asia.edu.tw/
  6. 所有活动皆需于活动当日21:00点前完成线上回馈单填写(纸本请于现场缴回),才视同完成该场次出席步骤;仅出席未填写/未缴回回馈单者,将「禁止线上报名」本学期其他后续三品书院活动(已报名但未办理之活动,也会取消其报名资格)
  7. 活动前,请上官网查询各活动地点及需自备的器具。
  8. 为了提倡动手送爱心之人本精神,部分场次作品将全数统一收回,作为公益义卖品,义卖所得将统一捐给政府立案之社福机构。
 NOTE: 1) Image result for 惊叹号  Due to COVID-19, during epidemic prevention period, before checking in, everyone must (1) fill in Health Declaration Certificatethose who has RED CARD/ a FEVER/ NO FACE MASK are not admitted(2) have body temperature checked (3) wear a mask through the whole activity. 
      2) New If you are put on the waiting list of a certain event, you will receive a letter of admission in the school email account when you get in, or you can check it on the website.   
      3) The series of activities in 110-1 semester will be micro-credit courses, and students who enroll in any of these would be considered as the students in the courses. For course requirement’s details, please visit the official website of " Three-virtue Academy ".
      4) No General Education Certification for all events; please bring Student ID card with you, and we will check your SID card at the check-in counter.
     5) All events need to be registered online (website addresshttp://character.asia.edu.tw/). Cancelling deadline would be a day before the event, and participant needs to report at class before 18:30, otherwise all your registration right and the events that you registered would be cancelled this semester. 
     6) Online questionnaires should be filled in and submitted by 21:00 on the same day (hand copies should be handed at class), otherwise all your registration right
 and the events that you registered would be cancelled this semester. 
     7) Before going to the event, please check the venue and what you need to prepare for it on the official website.  
     8) In order to promote the human spirit of love, all works in certain events will be reclaimed and sold in charity events for people in need.
Registration: Please register onlinehttp://character.asia.edu.tw/.
指导单位:学生事务处、三品书院  Supervisor: Office of Student Affair and Three-virtue Academy
主办单位:亚美学院、通识教育中心、书院与住宿服务组 协办单位:深耕计画
Organized by: College of Asia Aesthetics, Center for General Education, Residential Colleges and Housing Service Section Co-organized by: HESP
联络电话:04-2332-3456 詹雯玲老师# 20102 /张筱筠 #1841 ()、吴莉婕老师 #3243 (惜福)、林怡君老师(感恩) #1754、陈峻志老师(筑梦) #6174、宿服组 黄助理 #3278或洽 吴助理 #3607
Contact Us: 04-2332-3456 CHAN, WEN-LING #20102/ CHANG, HSIAO-YUN #20016 (Summit Hall); WU, LI-CHIEH #20059 (Blessing Hall); LIN, YI CHUN (Gratitude Hall) #1754; CHEN, CHUN-CHIH (Dream Catcher Hall) #6174; MR. HUANG#3278, or MISS WU #3607
& Code
活动名称 &讲师
Topic & Speaker
基本素养 & 学苑
General Literacy
& Name of Residential Colleges
Self-provided Stationery
人数 & 地点
 of applicants
& Venue
111.09.26 11109261 品德:颂钵导引—吐纳养身 张玫芝 Character:Singing Bowl Guidance–Breathing and Self-cultivation Chang, Mei-Chi 健康 / 惜福 Health / Blessing Hall 1. 穿着宽松运动服装 2. 保暖大毛巾 3. 饮用水。1. Wearing loose-fitting workout clothes 2. Large warm towel 3. Drinking water. 利用颂钵声频共振及导引呼吸方法,由内向外开展身心、静观自心,以达平静安和养生之效。Use the sound frequency resonance of the singing bowl and the method of guided breathing to develop the body and mind from the inside out and contemplate the mind so as to achieve the effect of being peaceful and healthy. 25体育馆 Gym G201
111.09.27  11109271 品德:玉米叶变成花 张婉玉
Character: Turning Corn Husks into Flowers Chang, Wan-Yu 
Care /Gratitude Hall
小剪刀、酒精(75%)Scissors, Alcohol (75%) 吃玉米时,玉米外面的皮就只能丢掉吗?现在,你还有另外一个环保又新奇的选择:让玉米变成花!
While eating corn, should the husks of the corn be thrown away? Now, you have another eco-friendly and novel option, that is, turning corn husks into flowers!
25 HB88
111.09.27 11109272 品味:香气与生活
Taste:Aroma and Life Chen, Yi-Ni
健康/登峰(张) Health / Summit Hall 无 N/A
Modern life is full of various fragrances, including our food, clothing, housing and transportation, and a lot of fragrances have been added to various products. Applying fragrance may makes people relax, however, using artificial flavorings can cause great harm to human bodies, which is not people's purpose, that is, calming the body and mind. This class will lead you to understand the difference between natural essential oils and fragrances, and how to choose essential oils and fragrances for personal use. You will also bring back an exclusive smelling stick.
25人四宿地下室  B1 in Summit Hall
111.09.29  11109291 品德:铿锵落子—围棋与他的计谋 李懿方 Character:Go and the strategies Lee, Yi-Fang 卓越 / 筑梦 Excellence / Dream Catcher Hall 无 N/A 上学期听完懿方老师的围棋演说,是否觉得意犹未尽?这学期同样邀请有口碑的懿方老师与您相见。疫情趋缓,非常适合跟好友面对面手谈一局了,拿起棋石,千军万马尽掌握在自己手中,无数的澎湃,在棋盘上尽情挥洒。本课程除了会分享围棋如何对弈之外,也会探讨围棋的谋略以及手筋,同时有对弈的活动,希望同学能发扬国粹,培养专注力、逻辑思考能力、挫折容忍力(AQ)、养成高尚品德与优雅气质、恭谦礼仪,增进人际关系。 After listening to Mr. Lee's Go speech last semester, did you feel like you long for more? This semester, we also invite the well-known teacher Yi Fang to meet you. The pandemic has slowed down, so it's good time to have a face-to-face chat and play Go with friends. Having a chess stone in hand like having a powerful army. In addition to teaching how to play Go, this course will discuss Go strategies and hand tendons as well as play games. Students are expected to love and spread Go, cultivate concentration, logical thinking, and frustration tolerance (AQ), develop nobility, elegance, and humility. Therefore, they can follow social etiquette so as enhance interpersonal relationships. 25人 L011
品质:疗癒花系—干燥花染色DIY   王翠嫔  Quality:Healing Flower Series—Dried Flower Dyeing DIY Wang, Tseuy-Pyn 卓越 / 惜福 Excellence / Blessing Hall 无 N/A 1.认识干燥花 2.干燥花的染色与制作技巧教学 3.利用染料,调配出自己喜欢的干燥花颜色 4.花束绑法教学 1. Get to know dried flowers and the techniques of dyeing and making dried flowers. 2. Mix your favorite color to dye dried flowers and learn the skills of flower wrapping 25人四宿地下室  B1 in Summit Hall
111.10.04 11110041 品德:租屋买房大不易,唐人宋人皆涕泣 小鱼老师 (李纯瑀)
Character: Renting houses in Tang and Song Dynasties Miss Fish
Gratitude Hall
无 N/A 如果穿越回唐宋,你要去哪租屋买房?就算要寄居篱下,你怎么知道这户人家有钱还是穷?从古人租屋买房的风水、地点、潜规则说起,让你轻松掌握穿越过去的基础谋生能力。
When it comes to basic survival skills in the Tang and Song societies , we should talk about feng shui, location, and unspoken rules which people would take into  account when renting and buying a house. Acquiring these skills could make you easily understand how ordinary people survived in their times.
25人 HB88
111.10.04 11110042 品质:化腐朽为艺术—种子手鍊创作 洪雅芳 Taste:Turning waste into Art—Creation of Seed Bracelet Hong, Ya-Fang SDG15
创新/登峰(张) Innovation/ Summit Hall
无 NA 自然环境中的石头、枯枝、落叶、植物种子…皆是可以丰富艺术创作的资源,本课程会教导学生认识一些水生植物,并利用其种子结合金属线做成艺术饰品。
Stones, dead branches, fallen leaves, and seeds in the natural environment are all resources that can enrich artistic creation. This course will teach students to know some aquatic plants, and use their seeds along with metal wires to make artistic ornaments.
25人四宿地下室  B1 in Summit Hall
111.10.04 11110043 品质:果冻花初体验 廖宜涵&罗靖谊Quality: First Experience of DIY Jelly Flower Liao, Yi-Han & Lo, Jing-Yi 创新 / 登峰 (詹) Innovation / Summit Hall 无 N/A 本次课程教您做出有立体感与自然的花瓣,花瓣均使用天然食材制成,低热量又健康,纯素食也可以食用,让您吃得健康又安心,同时体验到视觉和味觉上的双重享受。
This course teaches you to make three-dimensional and natural petals which are made from natural, healthy and low-calorie ingredients and can be eaten by vegans. You are reassured to eat it healthily and also have the double enjoyment of vision and taste.
25人 I105
111.10.06 11110061 品质:不用台味的直播带货也能赚钱 王方君 Quality:Making Money from Live Commerce without Taiwanese Style Wang, Fan-Chun SDG8
关怀 / 筑梦Care / Dream Catcher Hall
自备脚架与可录影的手机一支 a tripod and a mobile phone for video recording 自媒体的崛起加上疫情肆虐,直播带货蓬勃发展,从简单的小东西开始,做起属于自己的一份专长,毕业后将是炙手可热的职业之一。 2小时的课程,告诉你现况环境,活动上直接成为闪烁的星星!   With the rise of the we-media platform and the raging pandemic, live commerce is booming. Starting from simple things and developing a specialty offers you an option for future job. The 2-hour course will share the current situation in the field with you and help you get familiarized with how to be a stunning livestreamer ! 30人 L011
111.10.11 11110111 品质:干燥花香氛扩香石片 雪莉老师 (苏郁芸) Quality: Scented Stone with Dried flowers  Shirley 创新/感恩
Innovation/Gratitude Hall
装成品回去的小盒子 Small box for the finished product 把喜欢的干燥花材加上天然石膏粉,制作出独一无二专属的干燥花香扩香石片,不只是美丽的挂件也是件很实用的作品。
Scented stones are not only beautiful ornaments but also usual work, which are made from natural gypsum powder added to your favorite dried flowers.
25人 HB88
111.10.11 11110112 品德:夏日窗台上的一抹绿 黄佩珊
Character:A Touch of Green on the Windowsill in summer
健康 / 登峰(詹) Health / Summit Hall 锐利剪刀1把 1 pair of sharp scissors 因应后疫情时代,居家绿化的疗癒指数攀升。本课程浅谈何谓园艺治疗,并教导学员认识好栽种易入手的室内观赏植物,最后让学员动手进行植栽水苔球的制作。
This course briefly introduces students horticultural therapy and indoor ornamental plants that are easy to grow. It also offers them an opportunity to make a Kokedama.
25人 I105
111.10.13 11110131 品味:手机录影初学班 翁佳福 Taste: Video Shooting for Beginners Jeff SDG8
创新/ 筑梦 Innovation / Dream Catcher Hall
自备手机或是照相机 a smart phone or a camera 随着Youtube、抖音平台的崛起 影片拍摄已经是不可或缺的技能,Jeff老师将16年的录影经验浓缩在2小时的课程里,教你如何使用手机拍出好看的影片 With the rise of YouTube and Tik Tok, video shooting is an indispensable skill. Jeff has condensed his 16 years of video recording experience into a 2-hour course to teach you how to shoot attractive videos with a smartphone. 30人 L011
111.10.17 11110171 品质:疗癒流动画 Aria (许薇匀) Quality: Acrylic Dutch Pour Aria 健康/感恩
Health/Gratitude Hall
1.卫生纸 2.穿着不怕脏的服装 3.颜料沾手好清除,但怕手沾到颜料的可以自备好操作的手套
4.可以将25cmX25cm画布架高的任何东西  5.装流动画回去的东西(流动画干澡时间需要3-5天,装置物须可将画平放,如担心运送过程画面又流动,可放置在教室内,但教师不负保管之责) 1. Tissues 2. clothes for getting dirty 3. The paint is washable, but you can wear disposable gloves 4. Anything which can hold a 25cmX25cm canvas higher. 5. Anything that keeps your painting horizontal while you take it away (it takes 3-5 days to dry the painting out)
流体艺术的美是与自己对话的体现,摆脱了想掌握一切的框架,让颜料与画布恣意展现你心中的意念。你会体验到不同色彩激荡出的层次,值得玩味的色调搭配,及意料之外的色块构图, 随着流动不断变化,情绪也跟着雀跃着,感受着纯粹的快乐。就算是没有经验的朋友也能轻易上手,每个人的作品都是独一无二的。
Fluid painting allows you to display your emotions and feelings. You will experience joy through the choice of colors and color composition. It's easy to learn for everyone to create their own unique works whether they have learned it.    
25人 HB88
111.10.17 11110172 品质:魔髪变变变—造型编发 王瑜蓓 Quality:Magic Hairstyle—Stylish Braids Wang ,Yu Bei 卓越 / 惜福 Excellence / Blessing Hall 无 N/A 1.零基础也可轻松上手的简易编发 2.电棒造型 1.快速打造浪漫的捲发技巧 1. Basic braiding skills for beginners 2. Styling your hair with a curling rod 3. Quick tips to curl your hair beautifully 25人四宿地下室  B1 in Summit Hall
111.10.20 11110201 【义卖场】品味:拼贴皮制证件套 叶文琪&孟玉琳 【Charity】Taste: Making a Collage of Leather ID Holder Angel Yeh 关怀 / 筑梦Care / Dream Catcher Hall 无 N/A 外出购物、搭乘交通工具只需要一张卡就够了,让我们帮卡片做一个美美的外衣吧。 Only one card is enough for shopping and transportation. Let's make a beautiful coat for your card. 30人 L011
111.10.24 11110241 品味:环保多肉水泥盆器 宁芮洁 (温芮洁)  Taste: Eco-friendly Succulent Cement Pot Ning, Rui-Jie SDG3
关怀 / 惜福Care / Blessing Hall
水彩笔, 600m的l空宝特瓶      Watercolor pens, 600ml empty bottle 利用废弃保特瓶,制作成种植植物的盆器,结合水泥的质感制作外观的质感,将多肉植物组合进入盆器中,达到废弃瓶器再生利用的环保概念。Use discarded plastic bottles to make pots for growing plants. Additionally, make good use of the texture of the cement to make the texture of the appearance of the pot, and put the succulents into the pot. This way, we can reuse the discarded containers and put the concept of environmental protection into practice.  30人四宿地下室  B1 in Summit Hall
111.10.25 11110251 品味:脂艳粉香──古典中国香妆文化  郑雅之 Taste:  Traditional Chinese Makeup Culture  Cheng, Ya-Chih 健康/感恩
Health/ Gratitude Hall
1.卫生纸 2.不怕染色不怕脏的服装 3.怕颜料沾手可以自备抛弃式手套 4.瓷汤匙与瓷碗(磨粉剂用,如有磨钵会更好) 1. Tissues 2. Clothes for getting dirty 3. Disposable gloves 4. Porcelain spoons and bowls (for grinding things, and a pestle and mortar would be better) 无论东西方,香与妆总难分,而香妆发展除可见工艺的递进,更能观察贸易与美学的流转,在不同时空留下旖旎痕迹,加上香药同源,添加的香料除了感官刺激,更涵盖了实用的日常养生考量,从庶民到贵族,从青楼到皇宫,且听细说分明。本活动搭配古法胭脂和香膏手作体验。
Whether in the East or the West, fragrance and makeup are always inseparable. Through the development of fragrance and makeup, we can see the progress in craftsmanship, the change of trade and aesthetics, which left charming traces in different time and space. In addition to sensory stimulation, it also covers the concept of daily health maintenance, and this class will teach traditional makeup culture from the perspectives of people in different social classes. Students will have a hands-on experience doing ancient rouge and balm.
25人 HB88
111.10.25 11110252 【义卖场】品味:押花创艺画 施养佳【Charity】Taste:Creative Pressed Flowers Crafts Shin, Yang-Chia 卓越 / 登峰(詹)
Excellence / Summit Hall
色笔或粉彩笔1盒(12色); 剪纸的小剪刀1把; 相片胶或白胶1瓶
1 box of 12 color pen/pencils or pastels;  1 pair of small scissors for paper cutting; 1 bottle of photo glue or white glue.
It will introduce the history and origin of pressed flowers, explains the various techniques of pressing flowers, and then leads students to use the pressed flowers and leaves to create pressed flowers paintings. Not only can it Increase students' basic knowledge of plants and pressed flower crafts but also effectively enhance students' taste in life!
25人 I105
111.10.27 11110271 品味:今晚一起刻章趣:橡皮章DIY 黄馨仪 Taste: Stamping Together Tonight Fun: Making Your Own Eraser Stamp Huang, Shin-Yi 创新/ 筑梦 Innovation / Dream Catcher Hall 1、笔刀(请每个学员都务必携带!)
1. Hobby knife (required)
2. Utility knife
3. 2B pencil & eraser
4. Simple patterns or words you would like to carve
5. Stamp pad
你知道平时常见的「橡皮擦」能变身成好玩的「印章」吗?你想要一个属于自己的手作印章吗?只要习得本次课堂所教技法,透过一把笔刀,你就可以轻松将橡皮擦变成独一无二的橡皮章,接着还可以用印章来装饰卡片、袋子,为生活增添更多趣味!今晚,请带着你喜欢的图案,让我们一起刻章去吧! Did you know that a usual eraser can be turned into a fun stamp? Do you want a handmade stamp? As long as you learn the techniques, with a pen knife, you can easily make a unique rubber stamp and then use it to decorate cards and bags, adding more fun to your life! Tonight, please take your favorite patterns and let's carve stamps out of rubber together! 20人 L011
111.10.31 11110311 【义卖场】品质:蝶古巴特—小麻布提袋 陈婕玲  【Charity Event】 Quality:Decoupage—Small burlap bag Chen, Chieh-Ling 创新/ 惜福 Innovation /Blessing Hall 锋利的美工刀、剪刀Sharp utility knife, scissors 此次活动是利用各种图案的餐巾纸,拼贴于小麻布袋上,呈现个人风格艺术创意美学。This event uses napkins with various patterns to be collaged on small burlap bags to present personal style, artistic creativity and aesthetics. 25人四宿地下室  B1 in Summit Hall
111.11.03 11111031 品味:带你进入精品咖啡的世界 蔡依凝 Taste: Lead you into the world of specialty coffee 卓越 / 筑梦 Excellence / Dream Catcher Hall 有手冲器材者可以自备
bring the gear for making pour-over coffee if you have them
本次课程将带你认识何谓「精品咖啡」?透过实际冲泡一杯杯不同的咖啡,让你从味觉与知觉同时认识各种咖啡的风味,并配合沉浸式体验,让你挑战成为咖啡风味王! This course will introduce you to what is "specialty coffee"? By brewing different kinds of coffee, you can recognize the flavors of various coffees via its taste and perception at the same time, and with the immersive experience, you can become a king of coffee flavors. 30人 L011
111.11.14 11111141 品味:泰式凉拌海鲜&摩摩喳喳    廖桂资&李佳霖  Taste:Thai Seafood Salad & Momochacha  Liao, Kuei-Tzu & Lee, Chia-Lin 关怀 / 惜福Care / Blessing Hall 碗、筷 Bowl, chopsticks 泰国当地街头随处都可品嚐到的庶民美食。Enjoy Thai people's favorite delicious food which you can find in the street 25人四宿地下室  B1 in Summit Hall
111.11.15 11111151 【义卖场】品德:今晚,我想来点奇兽饼干 刘凡溱( 刘孟玉)
【Charity Event】Character:Clay Niffler Cookies Liou, Fan-Hhen
创新/感恩Innovation感恩Gratitude Hall 装成品回去的小盒子
Small box for the finished product
亚洲大学奇兽饲育学开课!第一堂要教大家认识玻璃兽。为了让大家详尽了解玻璃兽的体态,我们准备了黏土,来做一只玻璃兽造型的黏土饼干吧!玻璃兽宝宝可以做成吊饰,抱着闪亮的宝石陪着你哟!Make clay Niffler and sell them for charity. 25人 HB88
111.11.15 11111152 品味:天之胶籽—DIY搓爱玉 黄淑华&赖柏霖Taste:DIY Aiyu Jelly Huang Shuhua & Lai Bolin SDG15
卓越/登峰(张) Excellent/Summit Hall
无 N/A 一到夏天,就想来上一碗冰凉凉的甜品,而众多选择中,爱玉也是许多民众的热门选项。看似简单制作的爱玉,却只在台湾吃得到?身为台湾特有的爱玉又是从何而来的?没想到常见的爱玉冻却身怀许多秘密。故本次活动将透过介绍台湾特有亚种-爱玉以及动手DIY搓洗爱玉,来更加认识这位「天之胶籽」。During the summer time, people would like to have a bowl of cold dessert, aiyu is a popular choice for many people. Aiyu seems to be easily made, but why can it only be got in Taiwan? And where does it come from? This event will introduce you to one of Taiwan's endemic subspecies- aiyu and DIY aiyu jelly so as to get to know this "Heaven's Gum Seed" better. 25人四宿地下室  B1 in Summit Hall
111.11.15 11111153 品德:模特的逆袭之路 谢逸庭
Character:The Model's Counterattack Hsieh. I-Ting
关怀 / 登峰 (詹) Care / Summit Hall 无 N/A 本课程由模特儿讲师,现身说法,如何将娱乐、兴趣及社群经营成为自我优势及转换成经济成效。让我们来体验一场模特儿的逆袭之路。From a model's perspective, the speaker will talk about how to take advantage of entertainment, hobbies and community management and turn them into economic benefits. Let's have a model's counterattack. 25人 I105
111.11.17 11111171 品味:细节—扒手的心理学 林于轩 & 谢杰闵 Taste:Details—The Psychology of Pickpockets SDG16
关怀 / 筑梦Care / Dream Catcher Hall
无 N/A 透过魔术师与扒手共通使用的心理学,解析这些专家是如何影响人的视野、认知,并在生活中灵活运用于个人社交、领导技巧。 Through the psychology commonly used by magicians and pickpockets, this class analyzes the skills that are used by these experts to influence people's vision and cognition, and teaches students how to flexibly incorporate them to personal social and leadership skills. 30人 L011
111.11.21 11111212 品味:创意米食 童金南 Taste: Creative Rice Food Tung, Chin-Nan 创新 / 惜福 Innovation /Blessing Hall 碗、筷、叉子  Bowls, chopsticks, forks 利用雾峰在地米食、菇类作物加上创意料理~让学员充分了解不同米食文化 With creative cuisine  of Wufeng rice, mushrooms crops, this class would like to  make students fully understand different rice food cultures. 30人四宿地下室  B1 in Summit Hall
111.11.21 11111211 品味:水彩甜点画—圣诞蛋糕  陈贞吟 Taste:Watercolor Dessert Painting— Christmas Cake  Chen, Chen-Yin 关怀/感恩
Care/ Gratitude Hall
Brush washer or container, 2B pencil, eraser (soft eraser is preferred), cleaning cloth or paper towel

Christmas is around the corner. Have you bought Christmas cards for this year already? Here is a new option: making Christmas cakes by yourself to express your feelings!
This class teaches you not only to draw the dessert in front of you but also to know how to simplify the structure of the desserts. When you see any desserts in the future, you can pick up a pen to draw one.
25人 HB88
111.11.22 11111221 品质:客家饮食文化介绍—客家擂茶 邱国峰 Quality:Introduction to Hakka Traditional Culture—Hakka Lei Cha Chiu, Guo-Feng SDG15
创新/登峰(张) Innovation/ Summit Hall
无 N/A 在客家人日常生活中,擂茶即是其主食之一,也是待客之佳肴,在客家人丰富多彩的饮食文化中,擂茶是最具代表性的一种美味。在现今社会中许多人知道有「客家擂茶」,但却不知道其制作过程?因此本活动主要在让同学体验客家擂茶的过程,让他们知道客家先民的传统美食。当同学们辛苦擂出「擂茶」成果之后,能马上用冲上一杯擂茶,边饮用边吃米香,除了感觉很香之外,心中更会有一种成就感。In the daily life of the Hakka people, Lei Cha is one of its staple foods and a delicacy for hospitality. Lei Cha is the most representative delicacy in the rich and colorful food culture of the Hakkas. In today's society, many people know that there is "Hakka Leicha", but they don't know its production process? Therefore, this activity is mainly for students to experience the production process of Hakka tea, and to know the Traditional cuisine of Hakka ancestors. After pounding the ingredients hard into powder and making "Lei Cha", the students can immediately enjoy a cup of Lei Cha full of the fragrance of rice and get a sense of accomplishment in their hearts. 25人四宿地下室  B1 in Summit Hall
111.11.24 11111241 品味:专属于你的透亮妆 邱欣怡 Taste:Get a Translucent makeup Mango Chiu SDG5
卓越 / 筑梦 Excellence / Dream Catcher Hall
自备彩妆品 cosmetics and personal care products 遇到各季节的转变导致肤况不稳定,同时也影响着日常保养与上妆烦恼,短短两小时内把Mango老师14年的经验浓缩传授,教您打造有质感的日常妆、赴约妆。Due to the changing seasons, it's hard to take care of your skin and apply make up properly. Here Mango, with experience of 14 years, will teach you how to do special occasion makeup. 30人 L011
111.11.28 11111281     品德:哈达瑜珈 锺世伟 Character:Hatha Yoga Chung, Shih-Wei                                      健康 / 惜福 Health / Blessing Hall. 1. 轻便服装 2. 毛巾。1. Workout clothes 2. A towel 瑜珈能够帮助肢体伸展,也能活动全身筋络,更可以让我们身心放松,追寻内心的平静。当身体和心灵排除负面能量,自然强化免疫力,提升自我疗癒,达到纾压的效果。Yoga can relax your body, soothe your soul, and improve the ability of listening to your inner voice. 18人体育馆 Gym G201
111.11.29 11111291 品味:盲饮:什么是好味道? 蓝子钧 Taste:Blind taste: What’s your favorite flavor? Lan, Gin 卓越/感恩
Excellence/Gratitude Hall
马克杯或瓷杯 (不要带金属杯、塑胶杯、纸杯) Mugs or porcelain cups only (No metal cups, plastic cups, or paper cups) 味觉与嗅觉是五感中最常被遗忘与忽略,但往往会在记忆里留下重要的痕迹。这堂课程将利用盲饮的方式让学生品饮数款茶品,借此认识自己喜欢的味道。希望能透过这个活动让同学重视自己每天吃喝的细节。Taste and smell are the most commonly forgotten and neglected among the five senses, but they often leave important traces in our memory. In this class, students will taste several tea products so as to recognize their favorite flavors by blind experiment. I hope that through this activity, students can pay attention to what they eat and drink every day. 25人 HB88